Wrong history graphics
Valeriy Kovalenko
It looks like the issue has been resolved (I haven’t heard from users about it for quite a while). I’m closing the issue, but please feel free to file another bug if you continue to experience this problem.
Valeriy Kovalenko
Hey Agusti, that’s an issue that I’m trying to catch over the last 3-4 weeks with no luck. Could you please let me know what version of the app do you have?
Agusti A.
Valeriy Kovalenko:
Valeriy Kovalenko
Agusti A.: thanks, two more questions: do you have a user account? do you have any other device to test with?
Agusti A.
Valeriy Kovalenko:
I was using the google account, but I have seen that I was logout from STAmina when I have checked my account today
But, I think I have found a workaround
If I clear cache data from STAmina App in my mobile, the graphics begin to working properly with logout status
I have just login with my google account
I will keep posted about if this issue happens again
Let me know if you need some additional tests to get the root cause of the issue
I have a tablet to test it with (also with Android OS)
Valeriy Kovalenko
Agusti A.: thanks, please let me know if you notice those broken charts again. I cannot figure out why do they appear in the first place.
Agusti A.
Valeriy Kovalenko:
No broken charts so far with user login
Agusti A.
I have got the wrong graphics yesterday with user logged in
I have cleared the STAmina cache and today is working properly again
Valeriy Kovalenko
Agusti A.: Thanks for the update. Clearly there is something going on. I wonder if you remember how did you finish that Wonka table? Did you write any comments? Did you navigate away from the congratulations screen right away or did you switch your phone off while staying on that screen? etc..
Agusti A.
Valeriy Kovalenko:
I wrote some comments in the Wonka table and after that I opened the statistics charts, but I did this other times and it worked properly
I think the issue happens when you start the oximeter before the STAmina app is running
I am trying to open first the STAmina app and after that start the oximeter to see if the issue is gone
I will keep you posted if this fix the issue
By the way, in the Wonka Table, when you TAP to start the contraction time, the guidance voice (in English) says "Exhale" instead of "Hold" and it is a little messy
Valeriy Kovalenko
Agusti A.: Thanks! Could you please pay attention to how you end an exercise (especially your actions on the congratulations screen) just in case if the issue happens again.
Regarding Wonka - when you tap on the screen it says "Exhale" and a couple of seconds later "Inhale and hold your breath". That was intentionally done like that. Please let me know if we can make it better.
Agusti A.
Valeriy Kovalenko:
I am talking about when you start holding your breath and you have the first contraction you TAP for beginning the contraction phase (you are continuing to hold your breath the time programmed in the table)
In the moment that you TAP, STAmina says "Exhale" but you are not finish your breath hold, you need yet to wait the programmed time
When the programmed time is over, then the App says "Exhale" and a couple of seconds later "Inhale and hold your breath" as you mentioned
Valeriy Kovalenko
Agusti A.: omg, that's a fat bug! Thanks for letting me know, we'll take care of it.