Quardio pulse Ox and HR Compatibility
John Donovan
Hello! Started training finally. I used a Qarudio pulse oximeter which does both O2 and HR in real time. Seemed to work very well, although I noticed that if I also connected another HR device, the pulse ox for the Quardio would stop working. Weird. Quardio is a great brand for automatic blood pressure coughs, which is why i tried their finger pulse ox for this application. If you want to just get one device that does both O2 and HR this seems to work well! Cheers.
Valeriy Kovalenko
Valeriy Kovalenko
John Donovan, do I understand correctly that you'd like the app to get HR from a HRM and SpO2 from a pulse-oximeter? In other words, to read data from two different sensors simultaneously?
John Donovan
Valeriy Kovalenko: Im saying that I used a Quardio finger pulse oximeter (one sensor on the finger that reads both HR and O2) and it was fully compatible with the app! I got great HR and O2 readings in real time. Just wanted to post that in case you wanted to add that to the list of sensors that are compatible with the app. I also compared it the HR readings from the Qardio pulse oximeter to the HR from my polar chest strap and it was practically the same. In other words, I did not need two separate sensors. The Qardio device worked great for both HR and O2. Heres a link to what im talking about: https://store.qardio.com/products/qardiospo2?gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwusunBhCYARIsAFBsUP9MmOdTFrQRpYclKxhitUzf4n-9EDS7N0zOL9oSjmWYW0hjBVWk_0caAu-aEALw_wcB
Valeriy Kovalenko
John Donovan: got it, thanks! I'll update the docs with this info. Did you have to go through the wizard or was the pulse-oximeter detected automatically?